Distribuidora Roma

All companiesInsurance Carriers • Distribuidora Roma

Main SIC category: Insurance Carriers

Animal specialties, nec
Dyeing: manmade fiber and silk broadwoven fabrics
Tow to top mills
Tubes, wrought: welded or lock joint
Rocket launchers
Home entertainment equipment, electronic, nec
Vapor heating controls

Distribuidora Roma contacts: address, phone, fax, email, site, working hours, owner

Full name: Distribuidora Roma

Region: Other

Address: Av. R Nuٌez 5878; Argüello; Argentina Other, Argentina

Phone: (54-4209) 427276 (+54-(54-4209) 427276) (54-4209) 427276 (+54-(54-4209) 427276)

Fax: +54 2314 87-9581 +54 2314 87-9581

Email: n/a n/a


Owner / Director / Manager of Distribuidora Roma: n/a n/a

Opening Hours:

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Registration data and financial data of Distribuidora Roma

RFC (Tax ID Number):

Company type: Domestic nonprofit Domestic nonprofit

Foundation year: 2005 2005

Employees (main staff): approximately 10 approximately 10

Capital: 15 M ARS 15 M ARS

Revenue (last year): more 5196 M ARS more 5196 M ARS

Credit rating (last year): Negative Negative

Category: Maquinas Para Cortar Fiambres

Open vacancies of Distribuidora Roma en LinkedIn

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Seguros Catalana Occidente in Salta, n/a
Capacidad de trabajo con equipos-Gerencia de Negocio Propio-Formación BUP O FP II , preferible diplomatura universitaria.
Imprescindible tener experiencia demostrable en manejo de Fresadora con programación Heidenhain, e interpretación de planos, ABSTENERSE las personas que NO TENGAN EXPERIENCIA en fresadoras CNC
Experiencia demostrable, se realizara prueba a los candidatos/as. NO inscribirse personas que no sean TORNEROS/A oficial/a de 1ª Los candidatos que no tengan claro el venirse a vivir a Burgos que eviten apuntarse
Imprescindible experiencia anterior en fabricación y colocación de ventanas en aluminio y PVC. Conocimientos de albañilería.
The candidate should be highly independent, focused on problem resolutions as the project´s success will depend on the candidate´s determination and persistence. It is also important a fluent level of English (verbal and writing) which is the daily communication language in the company. Education in the field of electrics, or measure & control, or computer is essential. A couple of years experience in a technical position as field engineer in an international environment will be considered as a pre. The candidate should pursue high standard quality in his work. •Intermediate Technical Education in the field of either Electronic Engineering Technology, Computer Engineering Technology, Measurement and Control Technology •a minimum of 2 years relevant experience in the field as Service Engineer •Willingness to travel frequently – for the job it is needed to travel approx. 70% of the working days out of the year with stay over on location including weekends. The service engineer is responsible for following, within the projects assigned to him: •Collecting specification •Get official acceptance of systems from customer •Assist in After Service when not travelling •Solve and repair defects •Report on activities through a trip report •Use all knowledge and tools available in the company through the department Customer Support Duties and Activities: Within the projects assigned to the service engineer: •Visit customers for maintenance and trouble shooting •Install and take into production of QIPC products on site •Train end users •Solve and repair (technical) defects through visits and phone assistance •Look after QIPC’s interest
-Experiencia en un puesto similar. - Valorable conocimientos de manipulación de alimentos. -Estar en posesión de un cerfificado de discapacidad.
auxiliar de enfermeria NO es necesario tener titulacion Experiencia no requerida Ingles B1 Fluido requerido
Gi Group Spain ETT in Santiago del Estero, n/a
- Disponibilidad total horaria - Incorporación inmediata - Imprescindible antigüedad de dos años como mínimo con el carnet de conducir. - Imprescindible disponer de 10 a 12 puntos en el carnet de conducir.
ANANDA GESTION ETT in Mendoza, n/a
El candidato debe tener en cuenta que el trabajo se realizará sin ayuda mecánica, por lo que debe estar acostumbrado a cargar peso. Imprescindible llevar botas de trabajo.
ANANDA GESTION ETT in Mendoza, n/a
Experiencia en el puesto de trabajo de al menos 2 años. Poseer carnet de manipulador
ReachJobs in San Juan, n/a
Main requirements: - Good level of English, both written and spoken - EU nationality - Passion to work with children - Bachelor Degree in Early Years/ Pre-School (0 - 6 Years old) - Mandatory
ANANDA GESTION ETT in Formosa, n/a
Imprescindible experiencia demostrables de 3 años Referencias acreditadas
All vacancies in Argentina!

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About Distribuidora Roma

Distribuidora Roma is mainly involved in Insurance Carriers and operates in Other, Argentina. Since 2005, the company is located on Av. R Nuٌez 5878; Argüello; Argentina. Distribuidora Roma uses 0 trading names. Information about owner, director or manager of Distribuidora Roma is not available.
Distribuidora Roma was issued with the RFC . The company has approximately 10 employees, founded capital - 15 M ARS. Additional information you can receive making request on contacts above.
The data was updated on 11/09/2024

Profile Distribuidora Roma Other Argentina 2024. Distribuidora Roma company card: address, phone, email, website, job, feedback, finance.
Iparraguirre 3331, B1827CPY Ingeniero Budge, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina +54 11 2878-0607
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