Canale Rosa Estela

Main SIC category: Construction - Special Trade Contractors

Metal barrels, drums, and pails
Disk and diskette equipment, except drives
Beachwear: women's, misses', and juniors'
Thermoplastic coated paper for packaging
Rotary photogravure printing
Airplane tires, pneumatic
Brick abrasives
Mineral wool
Darts and dart games
Automotive turbocharger and blower repair

Canale Rosa Estela contacts: address, phone, fax, email, site, working hours, owner

Full name: Canale Rosa Estela

Region: Buenos Aires

Address: yapeyu 505, parque san martin 1721, buenos aires Buenos Aires, Argentina

Phone: 2204857013 (+54-2204857013) 2204857013 (+54-2204857013)

Fax: +54 34934 9-9724 +54 34934 9-9724

Email: n/a n/a


Owner / Director / Manager of Canale Rosa Estela: n/a n/a

Opening Hours:

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Registration data and financial data of Canale Rosa Estela

RFC (Tax ID Number):

Company type: Domestic nonprofit Domestic nonprofit

Foundation year: 2003 2003

Employees (main staff): more 40 more 40

Capital: 71 M ARS 71 M ARS

Revenue (last year): more 9991 M ARS more 9991 M ARS

Credit rating (last year): N/A N/A

Open vacancies of Canale Rosa Estela en LinkedIn

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Empresa de Cosmética in Neuquén, n/a
ganas de trabajar y desarrollarse profesionalmente en el sector de ventas, liderazgo , empatizar, comunicar, paciencia.
Grupo Abedul in Misiones, n/a
- IMPRESCINDIBLE estar dado de alta en el régimen de autónomo. - Buscamos personal con buena presencia, agradable y educado.
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Vitae Medical Clinic in Buenos Aires, n/a
Buscamos profesional con al menos 2 años de experiencia y Licenciatura Con alta orientación al paciente, entusiasta, motivado para trabajar en un equipo
ACIERTA in Misiones, n/a
Imprescindible tener experiencia en el sector servicios , logística hostelería . Carnet de conducir
Page Personnel in Tucumán, n/a
*Experiencia previa con cargas completas y directas es imprescindible mínimo durante 3 años *Idiomas: Inglés e italiano a nivel medio.
ReachJobs in Santa Cruz, n/a
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ADECCO in Santa Fe, n/a
Se requiere FP Grado medio y Al menos 1 año de experiencia High level of English Capacity to work under pressure Ability to work in hot environment Punctual and reliable Flexibility, variable working hours, late shifts and weekends
Babel Profiles in Corrientes, n/a
Key Languages: - Professional level of English - Spanish is a plus! Core Skills/Experience - 3 to 4 years of experience in a similar field and at least 2 working with Google Analytics - Experience working with affiliation marketing - Profound knowledge of online digital acquisition channels - Deep know-how of Google Analytics, Tag Manager, Merchant Center and Facebook Business Manager. - Experience in A/B testing - Strong excel skills - Analytical mindset supported by an agile manipulation of data and KPIs (no data, no party!) - Du liebst / vous aimez / te gusta / you enjoy: working in an international environment
GRUPO CRIT in Mendoza, n/a
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All vacancies in Argentina!

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About Canale Rosa Estela

Canale Rosa Estela is mainly involved in Construction - Special Trade Contractors and operates in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Since 2003, the company is located on yapeyu 505, parque san martin 1721, buenos aires. Canale Rosa Estela uses 0 trading names. Information about owner, director or manager of Canale Rosa Estela is not available.
Canale Rosa Estela was issued with the RFC . The company has more 40 employees, founded capital - 71 M ARS. Additional information you can receive making request on contacts above.
The data was updated on 06/12/2024

Profile Canale Rosa Estela Buenos Aires Argentina 2024. Canale Rosa Estela company card: address, phone, email, website, job, feedback, finance.
Iparraguirre 3331, B1827CPY Ingeniero Budge, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina +54 11 2878-0607
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