Metalurgica Bulcar S.R.L.

All companiesTextile Mill Products • Metalurgica Bulcar S.R.L.

Main SIC category: Textile Mill Products

Brick, stone, and related material
Whale oil production, crude
Patio and deck construction and repair
Heading bolts, wood: hewn
Benzoic acid
Portable chemical toilets, metal
Fabricated structural metal, nec

Metalurgica Bulcar S.R.L. contacts: address, phone, fax, email, site, working hours, owner

Full name: Metalurgica Bulcar S.R.L.

Region: Buenos Aires

Address: W. De Tata 5318; Caseros - Buenos Aires; Argentina Buenos Aires, Argentina

Phone: (54-11) 47505178; (54-11) 47500196 (+54-(54-11) 47505178; (54-11) 47500196) (54-11) 47505178; (54-11) 47500196 (+54-(54-11) 47505178; (54-11) 47500196)

Fax: (54-11) 47591257 (+54-(54-11) 47591257) (54-11) 47591257 (+54-(54-11) 47591257)

Email: n/a n/a


Owner / Director / Manager of Metalurgica Bulcar S.R.L.: n/a n/a

Opening Hours:

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Registration data and financial data of Metalurgica Bulcar S.R.L.

RFC (Tax ID Number):

Company type: Foreign stock Foreign stock

Foundation year: 2002 2002

Employees (main staff): 40208 40208

Capital: 44 M ARS 44 M ARS

Revenue (last year): approximately 5143 M ARS approximately 5143 M ARS

Credit rating (last year): Good Good

Category: Pernos, Petroleo, Resortes, Tuercas

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Capacidad de aprendizaje, persona acostumbrada a trabajar por objetivos
Empresa Lider en el sector Energético in Salta, n/a
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Importante empresa in Formosa, n/a
Dotes comunicativas , buena presencia Dinamismo y capacidad de trabajo
ANANDA GESTION ETT in Neuquén, n/a
Experiencia previa mínima de 10 años.
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Think Big Marketing SL in Salta, n/a
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MANPOWER in Entre Ríos, n/a
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All vacancies in Argentina!

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About Metalurgica Bulcar S.R.L.

Metalurgica Bulcar S.R.L. is mainly involved in Textile Mill Products and operates in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Since 2002, the company is located on W. De Tata 5318; Caseros - Buenos Aires; Argentina. Metalurgica Bulcar S.R.L. uses 0 trading names. Information about owner, director or manager of Metalurgica Bulcar S.R.L. is not available.
Metalurgica Bulcar S.R.L. was issued with the RFC . The company has 40208 employees, founded capital - 44 M ARS. Additional information you can receive making request on contacts above.
The data was updated on 23/01/2025

Profile Metalurgica Bulcar S.R.L. Buenos Aires Argentina 2025. Metalurgica Bulcar S.R.L. company card: address, phone, email, website, job, feedback, finance.
Iparraguirre 3331, B1827CPY Ingeniero Budge, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina +54 11 2878-0607
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