C. Monguzzi Y

All companiesBusiness Services • C. Monguzzi Y

Main SIC category: Business Services

Mobile homes
Blood derivatives
Antiques, souvenirs, and novelties
Underground utilities contractor
Tank blocks, glasshouse: clay
Nonhazardous waste disposal sites
Diskettes, computer

C. Monguzzi Y contacts: address, phone, fax, email, site, working hours, owner

Full name: C. Monguzzi Y

Region: Cordoba

Address: boulevard las heras 144, c rdoba 5000, c rdoba Cordoba, Argentina

Phone: 3514220294 (+54-3514220294) 3514220294 (+54-3514220294)

Fax: +54 33824 4-5066 +54 33824 4-5066

Email: n/a n/a


Owner / Director / Manager of C. Monguzzi Y: n/a n/a

Opening Hours:

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Registration data and financial data of C. Monguzzi Y

RFC (Tax ID Number):

Company type: Domestic Domestic

Foundation year: 2001 2001

Employees (main staff): approximately 100 approximately 100

Capital: 38 M ARS 38 M ARS

Revenue (last year): approximately 5059 M ARS approximately 5059 M ARS

Credit rating (last year): Low Low

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Importante empresa in Salta, n/a
Disponer de jornada completa e incorporación inmediata. Facilidad de trato con el público Excelente imagen Orientado al cliente y a resultados
Page Personnel in Buenos Aires, n/a
Requisitos -Excelente nivel de Polaco -Nivel alto de inglés-Buen manejo de aplicaciones basadas en InternetExperiencia -Un Mínimo de 6 meses de experiencia de servici
Imprescindible vehículo para desplazarse al centro de trabajo Disponibilidad inmediata  Experiencia previa en limpieza de cualquier tipo demostrable Capacidad total para realizar los trabajos indicados   Como centro especial de empleo en GRUPO SIFU priorizamos la contratación de candidatos con discapacidad
ANANDA GESTION ETT in Neuquén, n/a
- Disponibilidad inmediata (incorporación 9/10/17). -
MANPOWER in Santa Fe, n/a
Imprescindible disponibilidad para trabajar fuera de Madrid, en Valencia, en las instalaciones del cliente. Disponibilidad para trabajar con un contrato de obra o servicio; previsión de contrato para unas dos semanas, aunque se puede alargar.
The candidate should be highly independent, focused on problem resolutions as the project´s success will depend on the candidate´s determination and persistence. It is also important a fluent level of English (verbal and writing) which is the daily communication language in the company. Education in the field of electrics, or measure & control, or computer is essential. A couple of years experience in a technical position as field engineer in an international environment will be considered as a pre. The candidate should pursue high standard quality in his work. •Intermediate Technical Education in the field of either Electronic Engineering Technology, Computer Engineering Technology, Measurement and Control Technology •a minimum of 2 years relevant experience in the field as Service Engineer •Willingness to travel frequently – for the job it is needed to travel approx. 70% of the working days out of the year with stay over on location including weekends. The service engineer is responsible for following, within the projects assigned to him: •Collecting specification •Get official acceptance of systems from customer •Assist in After Service when not travelling •Solve and repair defects •Report on activities through a trip report •Use all knowledge and tools available in the company through the department Customer Support Duties and Activities: Within the projects assigned to the service engineer: •Visit customers for maintenance and trouble shooting •Install and take into production of QIPC products on site •Train end users •Solve and repair (technical) defects through visits and phone assistance •Look after QIPC’s interest
The candidate should be highly independent, focused on problem resolutions as the project´s success will depend on the candidate´s determination and persistence. It is also important a fluent level of English (verbal and writing) which is the daily communication language in the company. Education in the field of electrics, or measure & control, or computer is essential. A couple of years experience in a technical position as field engineer in an international environment will be considered as a pre. The candidate should pursue high standard quality in his work. •Intermediate Technical Education in the field of either Electronic Engineering Technology, Computer Engineering Technology, Measurement and Control Technology •a minimum of 2 years relevant experience in the field as Service Engineer •Willingness to travel frequently – for the job it is needed to travel approx. 70% of the working days out of the year with stay over on location including weekends. The service engineer is responsible for following, within the projects assigned to him: •Collecting specification •Get official acceptance of systems from customer •Assist in After Service when not travelling •Solve and repair defects •Report on activities through a trip report •Use all knowledge and tools available in the company through the department Customer Support Duties and Activities: Within the projects assigned to the service engineer: •Visit customers for maintenance and trouble shooting •Install and take into production of QIPC products on site •Train end users •Solve and repair (technical) defects through visits and phone assistance •Look after QIPC’s interest
ANANDA GESTION ETT in Entre Ríos, n/a
licenciatura acabada, dinamismo, ganas de trabajar y aprender. Con o sin experiencia
NORTEMPO in San Luis, n/a
Experiencia como pastelero/a Formación específica del puesto Imprescindible: Disponibilidad horaria. Disponibilidad de incorporación inmediata. Valorable: Residir en la zona de Pontevedra o alrededores.
ADECCO in Jujuy, n/a
Se requiere FP Grado medio; Experiencia no requerida. -FP Superior Hosteleria -Experiencia mínima en puesto similar 3 años -Cocina Tradicional -Carne de manipulador/a de alimentos -Disponibilidad para trabajar sábados y algún domingo puntual -Vehículo propio -Experiencia en la gestión de equipos
MANPOWER in Córdoba, n/a
- CFGM o CFGS Informática - Experiencia en tratamiento de imagen - Conocimientos de programación en lenguaje C+ o C++
EUROCONTROL in Salta, n/a
* Formación básica: FP. * Formación específica: Radiología Industrial. * Experiencia: Sin experiencia (aunque se valorará experiencia previa en radiología industrial) * Disponibilidad para formarse fuera de Cataluña, en Delegación con trabajos de radiología en continuo durante 2-3 primeros meses (costes a cargo de la empresa). * Posibilidad de promoción, formación y calificación por parte de la empresa. * Se valorarán conocimientos y/o cualificación en otras técnicas de ensayos.
All vacancies in Argentina!

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About C. Monguzzi Y

C. Monguzzi Y is mainly involved in Business Services and operates in Cordoba, Argentina. Since 2001, the company is located on boulevard las heras 144, c rdoba 5000, c rdoba. C. Monguzzi Y uses 0 trading names. Information about owner, director or manager of C. Monguzzi Y is not available.
C. Monguzzi Y was issued with the RFC . The company has approximately 100 employees, founded capital - 38 M ARS. Additional information you can receive making request on contacts above.
The data was updated on 11/10/2024

Profile C. Monguzzi Y Cordoba Argentina 2024. C. Monguzzi Y company card: address, phone, email, website, job, feedback, finance.
Iparraguirre 3331, B1827CPY Ingeniero Budge, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina +54 11 2878-0607
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