Espada Sergio Gustavo

All companiesElectric, Gas and Sanitary Services • Espada Sergio Gustavo

Main SIC category: Electric, Gas and Sanitary Services

Geriatric social service
Chili, with or without meat: packaged in cans, jars, etc.
Catalogs: printing, nsk
Engraving platemaking services
Pipes, seamless steel
Disaster preparedness and management office, government

Espada Sergio Gustavo contacts: address, phone, fax, email, site, working hours, owner

Full name: Espada Sergio Gustavo

Region: Buenos Aires

Address: voissin 2048, laferrere 1757, buenos aires Buenos Aires, Argentina

Phone: 1146264780 (+54-1146264780) 1146264780 (+54-1146264780)

Fax: +54 34074 5-8468 +54 34074 5-8468

Email: n/a n/a


Owner / Director / Manager of Espada Sergio Gustavo: n/a n/a

Opening Hours:

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Registration data and financial data of Espada Sergio Gustavo

RFC (Tax ID Number):

Company type: Foreign stock Foreign stock

Foundation year: 1990 1990

Employees (main staff): less 80 less 80

Capital: 65 M ARS 65 M ARS

Revenue (last year): more 6452 M ARS more 6452 M ARS

Credit rating (last year): Perfect Perfect

Open vacancies of Espada Sergio Gustavo en LinkedIn

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Únicamente personas con experiencia comercial en sector financiero y/o banca seguros, que consoliden con nosotros una relación a largo plazo. Se valorará cartera propia de clientes. Que tengan carácter emprendedor, dispuesto a trabajar en equipo, con ganas de aprender y seguir formándose.
Importante empresa en proceso de expansion en Madrid. in Santiago del Estero, n/a
Buena presencia y don de gentes. Experiencia cara al publico. Se valorará positivamente personas con relación o preocupación directa o indirecta en temas de salud o bienestar. Se valorará positivamente personas con conocimientos de nutrición y/o alimentación saludable, y de cocina ( no necesario) Perfiles con alta superación personal, y que aporten.
Empresa líder en venta de productos de belleza in Catamarca, n/a
Don de gentes, capacidad de aprendizaje, que te gusten las ventas
Importante empresa in Buenos Aires, n/a
Experiencia demostrable. Se desestimaran todos aquellos candidatos/as que no tengan experiencia en el puesto. Trabajo para Burgos.
BARNA LABOR ETT in La Pampa, n/a
Experiencia de al menos 4 años como Fontanero Disponer de vehículo propio o furgoneta
Grupo Norte in Tucumán, n/a
*Requisitos "estrella": - Experiencia previa en el puesto - Disponibilidad inmediata
Residencia en la zona. Experiencia en estampación. Amplia experiencia previa en puesto similar.
IMAN TEMPORING ETT, S.L. in Rio Negro, n/a
Formación mínima: FP Automoción Especialización en carrocería y pintura Experiencia mínima de 1-2 años en puesto similar al ofertado Residencia zona norte de Madrid Disponibilidad de incorporación inmediata
ReachJobs in Salta, n/a
Nurses - Main Requirements: - EU Nationality - Good Level of English - Ideally with experience working with this type of patients - Registered in the NMC (PIN Number) Care Assistants - Main Requirements: - EU Nationality - Good Level of English - Motivation to work with type of patients
AMPLIA Spain in San Luis, n/a
- Licenciatura/Grado en medicina efectuado en la Unión Europea; - Especialidad concluida en la Unión Europea; - Nacionalidad Europea; - En una fase inicial apenas se necesita tener conocimientos de Inglés; - Debe ser una persona con aptitud para aprender lenguas extranjeras, por lo que deberá tener motivación para aprender Holandés. in Santa Fe, n/a
Main Requirements: - EU Nationality - Very Good English communication skills - both written and verbal - Previous experience of working in a high-quality establishment - Able to work within a team environment and to communicate effectively with all members of the team. - Able to follow detailed instructions and to produce consistent results - Able to provide work of a high standard to specified deadlines and timescales - to execute duties with an eye for detail - Motivational skills to motivate others - Excellent organizational skills - Effective communication and interpersonal skills - Strong customer care - An enthusiasm for the role and for the hospitality and leisure industry in general. - Flexibility to work shifts including evenings, weekends and public holidays subject to rota and a willingness to extend of change hours and days of work from time to time upon request and subject to operational requirements.
Atlantis Project in Formosa, n/a
- Must have attained a bachelor’s or equivalent university degree with good marks. - Must have excellent organization, interpersonal and time management skills - Must have excellent character, be trustworthy, and easy to work across cultures - Must be fluent in English and Spanish languages, written and verbal. - We prefer at least 2 years of work experience (and Student Programs and Operation roles are preferred). - We prefer, but do not require, basic proficiency in Microsoft and Google software (Excel, Gmail, etc).
All vacancies in Argentina!

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About Espada Sergio Gustavo

Espada Sergio Gustavo is mainly involved in Electric, Gas and Sanitary Services and operates in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Since 1990, the company is located on voissin 2048, laferrere 1757, buenos aires. Espada Sergio Gustavo uses 0 trading names. Information about owner, director or manager of Espada Sergio Gustavo is not available.
Espada Sergio Gustavo was issued with the RFC . The company has less 80 employees, founded capital - 65 M ARS. Additional information you can receive making request on contacts above.
The data was updated on 08/02/2025

Profile Espada Sergio Gustavo Buenos Aires Argentina 2025. Espada Sergio Gustavo company card: address, phone, email, website, job, feedback, finance.
Iparraguirre 3331, B1827CPY Ingeniero Budge, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina +54 11 2878-0607
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