Beswick Arturo Juan

Main SIC category: Administration of Human Resource Programs

Administration of veterans' affairs
Finfish farms
Mosaic work
Oxalic acid and metallic salts
Enameled ware, except plumbers' supplies: porcelain
Stabilizing bars (cargo), metal

Beswick Arturo Juan contacts: address, phone, fax, email, site, working hours, owner

Full name: Beswick Arturo Juan

Region: Corrientes

Address: gdor. gomez 533, curuzu cuatia 3460, corrientes Corrientes, Argentina

Phone: 3774422490 (+54-3774422490) 3774422490 (+54-3774422490)

Fax: +54 24734 6-1846 +54 24734 6-1846

Email: n/a n/a


Owner / Director / Manager of Beswick Arturo Juan: n/a n/a

Opening Hours:

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Registration data and financial data of Beswick Arturo Juan

RFC (Tax ID Number):

Company type: Domestic stock Domestic stock

Foundation year: 2000 2000

Employees (main staff): approximately 300 approximately 300

Capital: 20 M ARS 20 M ARS

Revenue (last year): approximately 2507 M ARS approximately 2507 M ARS

Credit rating (last year): Perfect Perfect

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ANANDA GESTION ETT in Santiago del Estero, n/a
Nivel alto de inglés. Catalán. Experiencia en el sector de la moda.
Grupompleo in Santiago del Estero, n/a
Imprescindibles: Se buscan trabajadores con proactividad, capacidad de aprendizaje, capacidad resolutiva e independientes.. Experiencia imprescindible en cristalería o manipulación de vidrio.. Facilidad de uso en nuevas tecnologías.. Deseados: Se valorará positivamente experiencia con vitrocerámicas y/o mamparas..
Securitas Seguridad España in Santiago del Estero, n/a
REQUISITOS: - Estar en posesión de la TIP. - Informática nivel usuario. - Disponibilidad para desplazarse a vivir a Barcelona o alrededores. - Disponibilidad para trabajar a jornada completa en turnos rotativos de mañana, tarde y noche de lunes a domingo.
Importante empresa in Chaco, n/a
Experiencia demostrable. Se desestimaran todos aquellos candidatos/as que no tengan experiencia en el puesto. Trabajo para Burgos.
Algunos de los requisitos imprescindibles y otros a tener en cuenta serán: - Sin estudios mínimos requeridos - Experiencia en el sector (Se valorará al candidato con experiencia) - Habilidades para atender al cliente - Responsabilidad - Habilidad en el manejo de utensilios y maquinaria de trabajo - Disponibilidad para incorporarse de forma rápida al puesto de trabajo
Importante empresa in Rio Negro, n/a
Formación profesional de la rama, FPII , Grado superior Carnet en vigor RITE. Carnet manipulación gases fluorados. Experiencia en puesto silmilar
Con experiencia demostrable en el sector del frió y calor industrial con conocimientos amplios en instalaciones y proveedores, dinámico y ágil con la informática, que sepa hacer proyectos, presupuestos, y convivir con una oficina técnica muy consolidada. profesionalidad en su trabajo.
Experiencia mínima de al menos 1 año en puesto similar Imprescindible residente en Provincia Puesto Vacante Carnet de conducir en vigor Valorable experiencia en manejo de PDA por códigos in Chubut, n/a
Main Requirements: - EU Nationality - Very Good English communication skills - both written and verbal - Previous experience of working in a high-quality establishment - Able to work within a team environment and to communicate effectively with all members of the team. - Able to follow detailed instructions and to produce consistent results - Able to provide work of a high standard to specified deadlines and timescales - to execute duties with an eye for detail - Motivational skills to motivate others - Excellent organizational skills - Effective communication and interpersonal skills - Strong customer care - An enthusiasm for the role and for the hospitality and leisure industry in general. - Flexibility to work shifts including evenings, weekends and public holidays subject to rota and a willingness to extend of change hours and days of work from time to time upon request and subject to operational requirements.
ReachJobs in Tierra del Fuego, n/a
Main Requirements: - Very Good Level of English - EU Citizenship - REPS 3 instructor including two of the following: Exercise to Music or equivalent, Gym Instructor award, Personal Training Award or Degree. - Good overall standard of general education. -Previous experience providing high quality customer service in the leisure and fitness industry/health resort environment. Main Skills - Ability to use all Microsoft packages and other systems to a good standard. - Demonstrable customer service skills and the desire to go the extra mile to ensure guests have a memorable, high quality experience. - An excellent team worker who is reliable and demonstrates good timekeeping. - Excellent communication skills to ensure effective working relationships within and across departments. - Excellent communication skills as well as an excellent command of the English language. -Knowledge, background and passion for the fitness and leisure industry. - A polite, friendly, welcoming and helpful nature. - Exceptionally well groomed and presented and dress in full company uniform at all times. - The ability to work with discretion and in confidence, respecting guest privacy.
BAMBU SOFTWARE in Tierra del Fuego, n/a
Los candidatos seleccionados deberán cumplir los siguientes requisitos: Formación mínima: - Ciclo Formativo de Grado Superior en Informática Experiencia mínima: - 4 años Requisitos esenciales: - Fuertes conocimientos Java (JSE/JEE) - Design Patterns y UML. - Spring Framework, Hibernate, JPA, JEE (webs), SQL, Junit, Mockito. - Muy valorable Spring Boot, jQuery/JavaScript, Mule ESB, Activiti BPM, Git, Subversion, Cucumber, Selenium Idiomas: - Inglés: Nivel B2
- Actitud comercial y aptitud para querer desarrollarse en el mundo de los negocios. - Ambición profesional y personal. - Dotes de organización, dirección y trabajo en equipo. - Carácter emprendedor con clara vocación comercial. - Se valorará formación media-superior. - Se valorará Permiso de Conducir y vehículo propio.
All vacancies in Argentina!

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About Beswick Arturo Juan

Beswick Arturo Juan is mainly involved in Administration of Human Resource Programs and operates in Corrientes, Argentina. Since 2000, the company is located on gdor. gomez 533, curuzu cuatia 3460, corrientes. Beswick Arturo Juan uses 0 trading names. Information about owner, director or manager of Beswick Arturo Juan is not available.
Beswick Arturo Juan was issued with the RFC . The company has approximately 300 employees, founded capital - 20 M ARS. Additional information you can receive making request on contacts above.
The data was updated on 24/01/2025

Profile Beswick Arturo Juan Corrientes Argentina 2025. Beswick Arturo Juan company card: address, phone, email, website, job, feedback, finance.
Iparraguirre 3331, B1827CPY Ingeniero Budge, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina +54 11 2878-0607
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