Pignanelli Fabio Oscar

Main SIC category: Home Furniture, Furnishings and Equipment Stores

Painting and paper hanging
Elevators and moving stairways
Lighting fixtures
Financial regulatory agency
Ammonium nitrate, ammonium sulfate
Well curbing, concrete
Carton packing machines
Men's and boy's clothing, nec

Pignanelli Fabio Oscar contacts: address, phone, fax, email, site, working hours, owner

Full name: Pignanelli Fabio Oscar

Region: La Pampa

Address: calle 16 nº 676, general pico 6360, la pampa La Pampa, Argentina

Phone: 2302423497 (+54-2302423497) 2302423497 (+54-2302423497)

Fax: +54 34874 8-4668 +54 34874 8-4668

Email: n/a n/a


Owner / Director / Manager of Pignanelli Fabio Oscar: n/a n/a

Opening Hours:

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Registration data and financial data of Pignanelli Fabio Oscar

RFC (Tax ID Number):

Company type: Domestic nonprofit Domestic nonprofit

Foundation year: 2021 2021

Employees (main staff): more 100 more 100

Capital: 6 M ARS 6 M ARS

Revenue (last year): less 6911 M ARS less 6911 M ARS

Credit rating (last year): Perfect Perfect

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ANANDA GESTION ETT in Catamarca, n/a
Experiencia demostrable. Se desestimaran todos aquellos candidatos/as que no tengan experiencia en el puesto. Trabajo para Burgos.
The candidate should be highly independent, focused on problem resolutions as the project´s success will depend on the candidate´s determination and persistence. It is also important a fluent level of English (verbal and writing) which is the daily communication language in the company. Education in the field of electrics, or measure & control, or computer is essential. A couple of years experience in a technical position as field engineer in an international environment will be considered as a pre. The candidate should pursue high standard quality in his work. •Intermediate Technical Education in the field of either Electronic Engineering Technology, Computer Engineering Technology, Measurement and Control Technology •a minimum of 2 years relevant experience in the field as Service Engineer •Willingness to travel frequently – for the job it is needed to travel approx. 70% of the working days out of the year with stay over on location including weekends. The service engineer is responsible for following, within the projects assigned to him: •Collecting specification •Get official acceptance of systems from customer •Assist in After Service when not travelling •Solve and repair defects •Report on activities through a trip report •Use all knowledge and tools available in the company through the department Customer Support Duties and Activities: Within the projects assigned to the service engineer: •Visit customers for maintenance and trouble shooting •Install and take into production of QIPC products on site •Train end users •Solve and repair (technical) defects through visits and phone assistance •Look after QIPC’s interest
ADECCO in Santa Cruz, n/a
Ingeniería Técnica en la especialidad Eléctrica Experiencia en gestión de equipos Alto nivel de inglés demostrable Conocimientos de Pro Enginer, Autocad, Sap, etc
Imprescindible experiencia en creación de planos a través de AUTOCAD
AMPLIA Spain in Entre Ríos, n/a
- Licenciatura/Grado en medicina efectuado en la Unión Europea; - Especialidad concluida en la Unión Europea; - Nacionalidad Europea; - En una fase inicial apenas se necesita tener conocimientos de Inglés; - Debe ser una persona con aptitud para aprender lenguas extranjeras, por lo que deberá tener motivación para aprender Holandés.
ReachJobs in Santa Fe, n/a
EU nationality English level – to a reasonable conversation standard Understanding of Home care job role Motivated to work with the elderly and dependent individuals Driving license – confident to drive in the UK Good personality and professional attitude Genuine desire to help others Physically fit and hardworking Flexible to work various shifts including weekends Over 25 years of age
reachjobs.co.uk in Santiago del Estero, n/a
Knowledge: • A sound knowledge of child development for children aged birth to five years • An understanding of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) curriculum • An understanding of a play based approach to children’s learning and the value of outdoors experiences • Understanding of the key worker role Main Requirements: - EU Nationality - Bachelor Degree in Early Years / Pre - School (0 - 6 Years old) - Mandatory - Good English communication skills - both written and verbal - Experience in a day-care setting
Serinsa SL in San Juan, n/a
Es necesario establecer la residencia en Mallorca.
METTA SOLUCIONES ETT in Tierra del Fuego, n/a
Requisitos: • 5 años de experiencia con al menos 3 años de experiencia en MVC Extending MVC: • Architecture and patterns • Base de datos • Sql Server 2008 y superior. • Experiencia con ORM (Entity Framework, NHibernate). Lenguajes de Programación: C#, Javascript Habilidades personales: Contribuir al buen ambiente de trabajo Capacidad para trabajar de manera creativa y analítica, participando de un equipo en el que prima la resolución de problemas Profesional enfocado al desarrollo de negocio Aptitudes para la comunicación interpersonal
Helvetia Seguros in Tierra del Fuego, n/a
Titulación oficial mínima de Bachillerato o predecesor correspondiente. Para extranjeros es obligatoria la homologación en España del título oficial del país de origen. Inquietud por aprender. Capacidad de negociación. Responsabilidad. Afán de superación.
• Ambición profesional y personal. • Interés por integrarse en uno de los principales grupos aseguradores de nuestro país. • Actitud comercial y aptitud para querer desarrollarse en el mundo de los negocios. • Carácter emprendedor con clara vocación comercial. • Dotes de organización, dirección y trabajo en equipo. • Se valorará formación media-superior. • Se valorará Permiso de Conducir y vehículo propio.
Hays Recruiting Experts Worldwide in Santiago del Estero, n/a
Para ocupar esta posición pensamos en una persona con un perfil polivalente, con ganas de desarrollarse en el campo de la electrónica. Deberás aportar formación técnica en Ingeniería Electrónica, Eléctrica o Telecomunicaciones y una experiencia acumulada de 2 años realizando funciones similares. Es imprescindible un buen nivel de inglés.
All vacancies in Argentina!

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About Pignanelli Fabio Oscar

Pignanelli Fabio Oscar is mainly involved in Home Furniture, Furnishings and Equipment Stores and operates in La Pampa, Argentina. Since 2021, the company is located on calle 16 nº 676, general pico 6360, la pampa. Pignanelli Fabio Oscar uses 0 trading names. Information about owner, director or manager of Pignanelli Fabio Oscar is not available.
Pignanelli Fabio Oscar was issued with the RFC . The company has more 100 employees, founded capital - 6 M ARS. Additional information you can receive making request on contacts above.
The data was updated on 24/01/2025

Profile Pignanelli Fabio Oscar La Pampa Argentina 2025. Pignanelli Fabio Oscar company card: address, phone, email, website, job, feedback, finance.
Iparraguirre 3331, B1827CPY Ingeniero Budge, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina +54 11 2878-0607
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