Barberia Walter Oscar

Main SIC category: Automotive Repair, Services and Parking

Hot shot service
Solvent naphtha
Precious metals
Strip, metal
Debt counseling or adjustment service, individuals

Barberia Walter Oscar contacts: address, phone, fax, email, site, working hours, owner

Full name: Barberia Walter Oscar

Region: Buenos Aires

Address: maipu 240, banfield 1828, buenos aires Buenos Aires, Argentina

Phone: 1142881441 (+54-1142881441) 1142881441 (+54-1142881441)

Fax: +54 2644 01-6094 +54 2644 01-6094

Email: n/a n/a


Owner / Director / Manager of Barberia Walter Oscar: n/a n/a

Opening Hours:

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Registration data and financial data of Barberia Walter Oscar

RFC (Tax ID Number):

Company type: Domestic Domestic

Foundation year: 1987 1987

Employees (main staff): more 40 more 40

Capital: 91 M ARS 91 M ARS

Revenue (last year): more 9442 M ARS more 9442 M ARS

Credit rating (last year): Normal Normal

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Empresa del sector automoción in Neuquén, n/a
Requisitos: - Experiencia en ventas de vehículos al menos 3 años. - Conocimientos y uso de herramientas informáticas y de nuevas tecnologías. - Iniciativa y dinamismo. - Elevada motivación por el sector automoción y por el trato con clientes.
Hays Recruiting Experts Worldwide in Tucumán, n/a
Pensamos en una persona con titulación FPII del sector metal con al menos dos años de experiencia comercial, que busque desarrollarse en el área comercial en una empresa pequeña.
Grupo Alliance, S.A. in Jujuy, n/a
Experiencia mínima de tres años en las tareas anteriormente descritas, en taller. Disponibilidad inmediata. Disponibilidad de vehículo.
GRUPO CRIT in Catamarca, n/a
- Residencia en la zona - Experiencia previa imprescindible en el sector metal (carpintería metálica, soldadura de metal, plegado y similar). - Disponibilidad para incorporación inmediata
NEXIAN ETT in Chubut, n/a
Experiencia en puesto similar, valorable sector alimentacion . Disponer de carnet de manipulador de alimentos Disponibilidad inmediata
Grupo Abedul in Buenos Aires, n/a
- Imprescindible autónomo. - Buscamos personal cualificado, dinámico y con vocación geriátrica.
Debe tener un título aprobado en odontología para ejercer como dentista Experiencia laboral En Bélgica, es esencial tener un mínimo de 3 años de experiencia en odontología.
Empresa sector Vending in Jujuy, n/a
- Formación mínima: Graduado escolar, valorable FP I o FP II de cualquier área. - Valorable experiencia en empresas del mundo del vending/catering y/o empresas del sector servicios preferiblemente mundo de alimentación. - Valorable posesión carnet de manipulador de alimentos. - Imprescindible carnet de conducir B1 con experiencia mínima de un año. - Conocimientos de la zona geográfica.
ReachJobs in San Luis, n/a
Main Requirements: • Immediate availability • EU Nationality • Good level of English, both written and spoken • Ability to deliver exceptional customer service • Experience of working within a team • Cash handling experience • Ability to deliver exceptional customer service • Experience of working within a team • Retail or catering experience in Tucumán, n/a
Main requirements: • EU Nationality • Good level of English, both written and spoken • Food hygiene certificate - if not, training can be given • Food and beverage management and/or hotel management qualification advantageous but not essential. • Experience of supervising staff in a quality restaurant preferable • Previous experience of working in a high-quality establishment • Good understanding of all applicable Health & Safety legislation • Attention to detail in Buenos Aires, n/a
Skills/ Competencies • Enthusiasm to deliver outstanding customer service • Communicate confidently to customers • Flexible approach to working hours and environment • Honest and open • Willing to learn • Reliable and committed • Presentable • Shows initiative • Ability to prioritize and work under pressure Main requirements: • Immediate availability • EU Nationality • Good level of English, both written and spoken • Cash handling experience • Experience in food preparation (only in catering units) • Ideally have experience in the following areas: • Ability to deliver exceptional customer service • Experience of working within a branded retail or catering environment • Experience of working within a team • Retail or catering experience
IMAN TEMPORING ETT, S.L. in Mendoza, n/a
- Formación contable como FP con Contabilidad, Empresariales o Económicas - Entre 0 y 2 años de experiencia en puesto de contabilidad - Organizado/a, analítico/a y meticuloso/a. - Orientado/a a resultados - Actitud proactiva y resolutiva. - Conocimiento de PRINEX. - Nivel alto de Excel. - Inglés fluido.
All vacancies in Argentina!

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About Barberia Walter Oscar

Barberia Walter Oscar is mainly involved in Automotive Repair, Services and Parking and operates in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Since 1987, the company is located on maipu 240, banfield 1828, buenos aires. Barberia Walter Oscar uses 0 trading names. Information about owner, director or manager of Barberia Walter Oscar is not available.
Barberia Walter Oscar was issued with the RFC . The company has more 40 employees, founded capital - 91 M ARS. Additional information you can receive making request on contacts above.
The data was updated on 04/12/2024

Profile Barberia Walter Oscar Buenos Aires Argentina 2024. Barberia Walter Oscar company card: address, phone, email, website, job, feedback, finance.
Iparraguirre 3331, B1827CPY Ingeniero Budge, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina +54 11 2878-0607
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