Bori Laura Daniela

Main SIC category: Public Finance, Taxation and Monetary Policy

Transportation equipment, nec
Metal scrap and waste materials
Mine preparation services
Cordials, nonalcoholic
Animal fiber yarn, spun
Silo staves, cast stone or concrete
Potato peelers, electric
Starter, electric motor
Fish, frozen, unpackaged

Bori Laura Daniela contacts: address, phone, fax, email, site, working hours, owner

Full name: Bori Laura Daniela

Region: Santa Fe

Address: h yrigoyen 455, rufino 6100, santa fe Santa Fe, Argentina

Phone: 3382423660 (+54-3382423660) 3382423660 (+54-3382423660)

Fax: +54 351 149-3398 +54 351 149-3398

Email: n/a n/a


Owner / Director / Manager of Bori Laura Daniela: n/a n/a

Opening Hours:

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Registration data and financial data of Bori Laura Daniela

RFC (Tax ID Number):

Company type: Foreign stock Foreign stock

Foundation year: 2000 2000

Employees (main staff): more 90 more 90

Capital: 82 M ARS 82 M ARS

Revenue (last year): less 4923 M ARS less 4923 M ARS

Credit rating (last year): Perfect Perfect

Open vacancies of Bori Laura Daniela en LinkedIn

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ADECCO in Corrientes, n/a
Experiencia mínima de 2-3 años en puesto similar. Experiencia gestionando grandes cuentas o clientes de gran consumo. Muy valorable experiencia previa en sector de manteriales de envasado, preferiblemente en industria alimentaria. Alto nivel de inglés Vehículo propio.
Helvetia Seguros in Formosa, n/a
Titulación oficial de estudios finalizados en España. Para extranjeros es obligatoria la homologación en España del título oficial del país de origen. Inquietud por aprender. Capacidad de negociación. Responsabilidad. Afán de superación. Ilusión por crear tu propio negocio.
Empresa dedicada a la cosmetica in Misiones, n/a
Se valorara experiencia en venta de cosmeticos, versatil, emprendedora
Grupo Alliance, S.A. in Entre Ríos, n/a
Experiencia en trabajo en empresa industrial
Grupo Alliance, S.A. in La Pampa, n/a
Experiencia mínima de 6 meses en labores de mantenimiento. FP en mantenimiento o similar. Disponibilidad para trabajar a turno partido o en turnos de tarde.
NEXIAN ETT in Chaco, n/a
Experiencia en el sector cerámico Disponibilidad para trabajar a 3 de 21 días Carnet de conducir y vehículo propio
ANANDA GESTION ETT in Santa Cruz, n/a
Experiencia demostrable. Se desestimaran todos aquellos candidatos/as que no tengan experiencia en el puesto. Trabajo para Burgos. Puesto estable
Page Personnel in San Juan, n/a
*Experiencia mínima de 3 años en gestión de equipos en el sector transitario/ operador logístico *Inglés alto imprescindible in Misiones, n/a
Main requirements: • EU Nationality • Good level of English, both written and spoken • Food hygiene certificate - if not, training can be given • Food and beverage management and/or hotel management qualification advantageous but not essential. • Experience of supervising staff in a quality restaurant preferable • Previous experience of working in a high-quality establishment • Good understanding of all applicable Health & Safety legislation • Attention to detail
Babel Profiles in Santiago del Estero, n/a
Key Languages: - Native level of Flemish - Good level of English Core Skills/Experience: - Preferably (outbound) sales experience - Good communication skills and a team player - A positive attitude, enthusiasm, and perseverance
ReachJobs in San Luis, n/a
Skills/ Competencies • Enthusiasm to deliver outstanding customer service • Communicate confidently to customers • Flexible approach to working hours and environment • Honest and open • Willing to learn • Reliable and committed • Presentable • Shows initiative • Ability to prioritize and work under pressure Main requirements: • Immediate availability • EU Nationality • Good level of English, both written and spoken • Cash handling experience • Experience in food preparation (only in catering units) • Ideally have experience in the following areas: • Ability to deliver exceptional customer service • Experience of working within a branded retail or catering environment • Experience of working within a team • Retail or catering experience
IMAN TEMPORING ETT, S.L. in Rio Negro, n/a
- Tener Calzado de seguridad. - Tener vehículo (deseable). - Interesado/a en trabajar días sueltos. - Disponibilidad inmediata.
All vacancies in Argentina!

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About Bori Laura Daniela

Bori Laura Daniela is mainly involved in Public Finance, Taxation and Monetary Policy and operates in Santa Fe, Argentina. Since 2000, the company is located on h yrigoyen 455, rufino 6100, santa fe. Bori Laura Daniela uses 0 trading names. Information about owner, director or manager of Bori Laura Daniela is not available.
Bori Laura Daniela was issued with the RFC . The company has more 90 employees, founded capital - 82 M ARS. Additional information you can receive making request on contacts above.
The data was updated on 09/02/2025

Profile Bori Laura Daniela Santa Fe Argentina 2025. Bori Laura Daniela company card: address, phone, email, website, job, feedback, finance.
Iparraguirre 3331, B1827CPY Ingeniero Budge, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina +54 11 2878-0607
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