Pizarro Roberto Modestino

All companiesCommunications • Pizarro Roberto Modestino

Main SIC category: Communications

Fruit (fresh) packing services
Electric power systems contractors
Machine tools, metal forming type
Convenience stores, independent
Specialty outpatient clinics, nec, nec
Biotechnical research, noncommercial

Pizarro Roberto Modestino contacts: address, phone, fax, email, site, working hours, owner

Full name: Pizarro Roberto Modestino

Region: Santa Fe

Address: obispo gelabert 2635, santa fe 3000, santa fe Santa Fe, Argentina

Phone: 3424531178 (+54-3424531178) 3424531178 (+54-3424531178)

Fax: +54 34644 7-6656 +54 34644 7-6656

Email: n/a n/a


Owner / Director / Manager of Pizarro Roberto Modestino: n/a n/a

Opening Hours:

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Registration data and financial data of Pizarro Roberto Modestino

RFC (Tax ID Number):

Company type: Domestic Domestic

Foundation year: 1986 1986

Employees (main staff): less 70 less 70

Capital: 57 M ARS 57 M ARS

Revenue (last year): more 7712 M ARS more 7712 M ARS

Credit rating (last year): Good Good

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Babel Profiles in Salta, n/a
Key Languages: - Native level of German - Fluent level of English Core Skills/Experience - Excellent communication and customer service skills, a confident phone manner - Experience in business development and/or sales (at least 2 years) - Evidence that you are a Top Producer (Over Quota, President’s Club and/or results that would put you in the top 10% of your peers) - Strong business insight and technology savvy - Demonstrated history of analysing situations, employing creative and effective decision-making to solve problems and achieve results - Experience with Salesforce would be a plus - A Self-starter; motivated; upbeat; you can roll up your sleeves to deliver on objectives - Strong sales-spirit and willingness to succeed - Solid analytical and negotiation skills - Positive attitude - Humbleness - Passion for great work
Noawork ETT, S.L. in Misiones, n/a
- Experiencia mínima de 1 año en venta telefónica y/o presencial en la venta de productos financieros (créditos, tarjetas bancarias,etc.). - Orientación a objetivos.
Importante Empresa de Sector Servicios in Entre Ríos, n/a
Imprescindible: - Experiencia en promoción de de productos informáticos y buenos conocimientos tecnológicos. - Perfil orientado a la venta, extrovertido, dinamico y con don de gentes - Buena presencia, disponibilidad de jueves y viernes tarde y sabados jornada completa. - Disponibilidad para realización de la formación online el 14/08/2017 e inicio de campaña el 24/08/2017.
ANANDA GESTION ETT in Entre Ríos, n/a
formación Profesional Grado Medio - Experiencia mínima Al menos 2 año como jefe de equipo - Disponibilidad inmediata - Disponibilidad para viajar
Se requiere experiencia en limpieza de coches. Necesario coche propio Disponibilidad total de lunes a domingo Mayores de 32 a´ños
ANANDA GESTION ETT in Santiago del Estero, n/a
- Manejo carretilla - Manejo de grúa puente - Experiencia en hornos industriales, tratamientos térmicos.
ILUNION in La Rioja, n/a
-Formación Ciclo Formativo Grado Superior FP 1/ FP 2de electromecánica conocimientos de electrónica. Especialidad: Mantenimiento industrial -Experiencia mínima: Entre 1 y 3 años en mantenimiento industrial. -Requisitos valorados: Conocimiento del funcionamiento y de la maquinaría utilizada en mantenimiento industrial /Conocimientos de hidráulica, neumática, automatismos, PLCs, etc. -Autonomía y capacidad resolutiva. -Habilidades comunicativas y buen trato. -Disponibilidad horaria e incorporación inmediata. -Se valorará residencia cercana al puesto de trabajo y/o facilidad de desplazamiento (carnet y vehículo propio) - Disponer de certificado de discapacidad de un grado igual o superior al 33% o Incapacidad Permanente Total.
The candidate should be highly independent, focused on problem resolutions as the project´s success will depend on the candidate´s determination and persistence. It is also important a fluent level of English (verbal and writing) which is the daily communication language in the company. Education in the field of electrics, or measure & control, or computer is essential. A couple of years experience in a technical position as field engineer in an international environment will be considered as a pre. The candidate should pursue high standard quality in his work. •Intermediate Technical Education in the field of either Electronic Engineering Technology, Computer Engineering Technology, Measurement and Control Technology •a minimum of 2 years relevant experience in the field as Service Engineer •Willingness to travel frequently – for the job it is needed to travel approx. 70% of the working days out of the year with stay over on location including weekends. The service engineer is responsible for following, within the projects assigned to him: •Collecting specification •Get official acceptance of systems from customer •Assist in After Service when not travelling •Solve and repair defects •Report on activities through a trip report •Use all knowledge and tools available in the company through the department Customer Support Duties and Activities: Within the projects assigned to the service engineer: •Visit customers for maintenance and trouble shooting •Install and take into production of QIPC products on site •Train end users •Solve and repair (technical) defects through visits and phone assistance •Look after QIPC’s interest
ADECCO in Santiago del Estero, n/a
Se requiere Licenciatura / Ingeniería Superior; Experiencia no requerida. Grado Superior Electromecánica o similar.Electromecánica 1-2 años de experiencia en mantenimiento electromecánico 1-2 años de experiencia en PLC´s, sistemas eléctricos y electrónicos Valorable SQL y C++ Capacidad de reparar máquinas en el mismo momento Muy valorable experiencia en máquinas de llenado Disponibilidad para viajar Nivel alto de inglés Carnet de conducir
NORTEMPO in Tierra del Fuego, n/a
Experiencia conduciendo camión y grúa. Experiencia en el sector de la construcción.
NORTEMPO in Buenos Aires, n/a
- Experiencia previa en el puesto de, al menos, 3 años. Imprescindible: - Dominio del servicio con pinzas. - Experiencia en banquetes y/o grandes eventos. - Disponibilidad para trabajar a jornada partida y fines de semana. - Disponibilidad de incorporación inmediata. Valorable: residencia en A Coruña o alrededores.
estudio desarrollo la victoria in Misiones, n/a
-Carácter extrovertido, don de gentes -Actitud comercial, dirigida hacia consecución de objetivos. -Conocimiento ofimática -Residencia Malaga capital
All vacancies in Argentina!

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About Pizarro Roberto Modestino

Pizarro Roberto Modestino is mainly involved in Communications and operates in Santa Fe, Argentina. Since 1986, the company is located on obispo gelabert 2635, santa fe 3000, santa fe. Pizarro Roberto Modestino uses 0 trading names. Information about owner, director or manager of Pizarro Roberto Modestino is not available.
Pizarro Roberto Modestino was issued with the RFC . The company has less 70 employees, founded capital - 57 M ARS. Additional information you can receive making request on contacts above.
The data was updated on 24/01/2025

Profile Pizarro Roberto Modestino Santa Fe Argentina 2025. Pizarro Roberto Modestino company card: address, phone, email, website, job, feedback, finance.
Iparraguirre 3331, B1827CPY Ingeniero Budge, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina +54 11 2878-0607
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