Cicala Anita Y Coronel Laura G Sh

All companiesWater Transportation • Cicala Anita Y Coronel Laura G Sh

Main SIC category: Water Transportation

Tires and tubes
Chests and trunks, wood
Dog food
Crash toweling, cotton
Thermoplastic materials
Welders' gloves
Screw downs and boxes
Data conversion equipment, media-to-media: computer
Men's and boy's clothing, nec

Cicala Anita Y Coronel Laura G Sh contacts: address, phone, fax, email, site, working hours, owner

Full name: Cicala Anita Y Coronel Laura G Sh

Region: Buenos Aires

Address: directorio 129, tortuguitas 1667, buenos aires Buenos Aires, Argentina

Phone: 2320498726 (+54-2320498726) 2320498726 (+54-2320498726)

Fax: +54 23944 0-8573 +54 23944 0-8573

Email: n/a n/a


Owner / Director / Manager of Cicala Anita Y Coronel Laura G Sh: n/a n/a

Opening Hours:

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Registration data and financial data of Cicala Anita Y Coronel Laura G Sh

RFC (Tax ID Number):

Company type: Domestic Domestic

Foundation year: 2000 2000

Employees (main staff): more 60 more 60

Capital: 9 M ARS 9 M ARS

Revenue (last year): more 1653 M ARS more 1653 M ARS

Credit rating (last year): N/A N/A

Open vacancies of Cicala Anita Y Coronel Laura G Sh en LinkedIn

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- Vehículo propio - Disponibilidad para trabajar en diferentes horarios. -Experiencia demostrable, dos años. -Conocimientos de retractil,ubicación 6 alturas,11 mertros
-Valorable experiencia - valorable residencia en la zona del Corredor del Henares
Experis in Santa Fe, n/a
• Degree or NVQ4 in a relevant Engineering discipline or served a full engineering indentured apprenticeship. • Significant practical engineering experience including a supervisory role managing people. • Experience of automated equipment including packaging machinery, sortation and conveyor systems. • Multi skilled in both electrical and mechanical disciplines. • Strong analytical skills with demonstrated problem solving ability. • Able to read and understand mechanical and electrical drawings; familiar with AutoCAD. • Experience of planned preventative maintenance systems. • Superior communications skills at all levels. Excellent English communication skills (written & verbal). • Experience of working to appropriate health & safety standards and regulations. • Excellent customer facing skills / customer focus. • Able to prioritize in a complex, fast-paced environment. • In depth engineering knowledge and willingness to train and learn new skills. • Proven ability to operate in extreme high pressure situations, successfully handle multiple competing priorities and possess a high level of discipline while displaying a high degree of flexibility and professionalism. • Experience in troubleshooting installation, fault finding, and repairs. • Experience with Kaizen and Continuous Improvement Process. • Excellent computer skills (MS Office, CAD) • Qualified Engineer – Degree in Engineering • Chartered Engineer status (or working towards). At least b2 english level 5 years of experience
MANPOWER in Santa Fe, n/a
Buscamos gente como tú, con capacidad de aprendizaje, autonomía y polivalencia, con formación de FPI o CFGS, valorable en el sector metal, y con conocimientos y experiencia en: • Conocimiento alto en Manejo de Plegadora en empresas del sector metal • Conocimiento alto en Interpretación de Planos
Se precisa un Mandrinador CNC Control FAGOR 8025 Caña 125 mm.
Serinsa SL in Catamarca, n/a
Los especificados anteriormente Es necesario establecer la residencia en Mallorca.
Page Personnel in Mendoza, n/a
Able to effectively communicate to customers. Dynamic, rigorous, diplomatic and highly communicative. Easy adaptable to different partners. Teamwork, proactive and excellent customer service skills. Customer service experience Holland and French Speaker
Talent Search People in Chubut, n/a
- Previous experience as technical account manager or technical customer support. - Technical Studies in Telecom, Computer Science, Audio visuals, Audio, engineering, FP or something similar. - Passion about listening, asking, understanding and communicating. - Love for team work. - Flexibility. - Initiative, drive and enthusiasm to learn and provide excellent customer support. - Multitasking skills.
Operario/verificador in Jujuy, n/a
- Experiencia en labores de verificación, verificación visual - Incorporación inmediata - Disponibilidad para trabajar días sueltos
Fundosa Lavanderias Industriales in Corrientes, n/a
Licenciado - Arquitecto -Ingeniero- Titulado grado medio-superior Empresariales, Físicas, Matemáticas, Marketing, Ingeniería técnica o superior en Organización Industrial. Especialidad: Administración y dirección de empresas Experiencia mínima: Entre 1 y 3 años Office nivel usuario Valorable programas informáticos de gestión: Sap, Meta4 Carné de conducir y vehículo propio Disponibilidad para desplazamientos y cambio de residencia Imprescindible tener certificado de discpacidad igual o superior al 33 Requisitos valorados: Experiencia en industria, sector servicios y hostelería Otros requisitos: Carnet de conducir, Vehículo propio, Disponibilidad para viajar, Disponibilidad de cambio de residencia
Page Personnel in Jujuy, n/a
*4 years of professional experience in marketing / product management. *Excellent English language skills, oral and written. *Extensive knowledge of marketing strategy and practices.
Hays Recruiting Experts Worldwide in Corrientes, n/a
Para poder optar a este proyecto deberás aportar experiencia demostrable en el Sector Gráfico, imprescindible conocimientos maquinaria artes gráficas (Offset). Experiencia en la gestión comercial (Trato directo con clientes) Acostumbrado a trabajar bajo presión, flexibilidad. Imprescindible dominio de Inglés y experiencia internacional.
All vacancies in Argentina!

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About Cicala Anita Y Coronel Laura G Sh

Cicala Anita Y Coronel Laura G Sh is mainly involved in Water Transportation and operates in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Since 2000, the company is located on directorio 129, tortuguitas 1667, buenos aires. Cicala Anita Y Coronel Laura G Sh uses 0 trading names. Information about owner, director or manager of Cicala Anita Y Coronel Laura G Sh is not available.
Cicala Anita Y Coronel Laura G Sh was issued with the RFC . The company has more 60 employees, founded capital - 9 M ARS. Additional information you can receive making request on contacts above.
The data was updated on 10/02/2025

Profile Cicala Anita Y Coronel Laura G Sh Buenos Aires Argentina 2025. Cicala Anita Y Coronel Laura G Sh company card: address, phone, email, website, job, feedback, finance.
Iparraguirre 3331, B1827CPY Ingeniero Budge, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina +54 11 2878-0607
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